Wednesday, October 12, 2011


How to be choiceless where important decisions are needed?

Yeah, I can understand your problem. But it is very subtle, and it comes to everybody who wants to remain choiceless. But there is a misunderstanding, that’s why the problem.

Choicelessness does not mean that you will not have to choose. In life, in practical things, you will have to choose, you will have to decide. If you want to go somewhere you will have to decide whether to go by car or by plane or by train. And you will have to decide – you cannot just leave it and you cannot remain choiceless. The practical thing will have to be decided.

About practical things when you are making decisions the only thing to be remembered is that they are trivia. Whether you go by train or by car or by plane does not matter really. So whatever you decide is okay; it doesn’t matter. There is no need to ponder over it so much; anything will do. But even when you choose there is no need to become too much attached to your choice – that’s what choicelessness is. There is no need to become too much attached to the choice. If somebody else is going by car and you are going by train, you need not declare that you are right and he is wrong. That means you have become attached to the choice. You are thinking it is very very important or something; you are making too serious an affair of it.

And if you choose to go by car and later on you find that it would have been better to have gone by train, then too there is no need to feel repentance and guilt about why you didn’t do that. By being choiceless it means that one has to choose, but one has to remain unattached… in practical things. 

For example, now you want to be here, read this message or you may feel these are absurd and want to do your own work. There is no need to be much worried about it. If you feel like, read this message – then read the message. Nothing is lost, what can you lose? Maybe financially you will be a loser but spiritually if there is some gain you can read. If you feel that there is no spiritual gain and you will be financially a loser, then why read this? Go!

But whatsoever you do, remain unattached. If you read these messages then don’t think that you have done something great; otherwise there will be attachment. If you leave these messages, don’t start worrying that you have done something wrong; otherwise you become attached. And once you decide about practical things, do them and forget about them; no need to waste time.

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