Friday, September 16, 2011


When a guru says he knows, he does not. When a man says: "I have attained Enlightenment" - then you may be sure that he is not enlightened; enlightenment is not to be attained. It is not something that you reach step by step as if you were climbing a ladder. Enlightenment is not in the hands of time.

Doubt what they are saying, doubt what the speaker is saying - much more so, because although he is very clear about all these matters it does not mean that he is the only person who knows, which is equally absurd. The mind must be free from all authority - no followers, disciples and patterns.

How do you know whether the Vasudavas,  Nityanandas and Ravishankars are speaking the truth? Instead of accepting those gurus, consider first, how do you know whether they are speaking the truth? May be they are all engaged in some kind of guile which means money, position, authority, giving initiations and all the rest of it. Question them, ask them, "Why have you put yourself in authority?"
Doubt everything they say and you will soon find that they will throw you out.

Understand that very deeply, with tears in your eyes: There is no guru, no teacher, there is only you as a human being living in this world - the world, the society, which you have created. And if you do not do something for yourself, society is not going to help you. On the contrary, society wants you to be what you are.

Do not belong to anything, not to any institution or organization; do not follow anybody, be not a disciple of anybody. You are a human being living in this terrible world; a human being who is the world and the world is you. You have to live there, understand it, and go beyond yourself.

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