Friday, March 15, 2013


It is true. One has to understand why one dreams.

In the dream; the dream is real. You dream every night. Dream is one of the greatest activities that you go on doing. 

If you live sixty years, twenty years you will sleep and almost ten years you will dream. Ten years in a life — nothing else do you do so much. 

Ten years of continuous dreaming — just think about it. And every night…. And every morning you say it was unreal, and again in the night when you dream, dream becomes real. 

In a dream it is so difficult to remember that this is a dream. But in the morning it is so easy. What happens? You are the same person.

One dreams because there are unfulfilled moments, repressed desires, things that you wanted to do, but could not because of the society, because of the culture, because of the religion. Primitive people don't dream.  More a man becomes repressed, civilized, starts repressing his nature and projecting a certain personality which is respectable, then there are dreams.

Dreams are simply to help you. What you could not do in your waking hours, you can do in your sleep. They are a kind of substitute. 

If something is incomplete, then it will be completed in a dream. Dream is a completion. It happens because the mind cannot allow anything to be incomplete. If something is incomplete, there is an inner uneasiness. It wonders how to complete it. Then in a dream you complete it, and you are at ease. Even if it is completed in a dream, for the mind it is a relaxation.

What are you dreaming? You are just completing your incomplete acts which you could not complete in the day. In the day you may have wanted to kiss a woman, and you could not kiss. Now you will kiss her in your dream, and your mind will feel relaxed; a tension is released.  In the day repress your sexual desire and in the night you will have a sexual dream. Your dreaming is nothing but your incompleteness.

You can try a simple experiment. One day fast, and in the night you will have dreams of eating good and* very delicious food. Fasting created a dream about food..

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