Friday, March 15, 2013

You are the world

When J. Krishnamurti says "You are the world" he is not saying it only to you; he is saying it to everybody: You are the world.

If you want to change the world, don't start by changing the world -- that is the wrong way humanity has followed up to now: 
Change the society, change the economic structure. 

Change this, change that.  But don't change the individual. 

That's why all revolutions have failed. Only one revolution can succeed, which has not been tried up to now -- and that is the revolution of the individual. You change yourself. 

Be alert not to contribute anything that makes the world a hell. And remember to contribute to the world something that makes it a paradise. 

This is the whole secret of a religious man. And if every individual starts doing it, there will be a revolution without any bloodshed.

IN AKBAR'S LIFE there is another incident.

He had built a very beautiful marble pond. He was bringing swans from Mansarovar, from the Himalayas. And he decided that in the pond there should not be water. This is the emperor's pond -- instead of water, there should be milk. Everybody in the capital was to be informed that just one bucket of milk, not much, from every house had to reach the palace early the next morning, before sunrise.

Birbal told Akbar, "You don't understand human mind at all. Your pond will be full of water." 
He said, "What nonsense...? It is my order!" 
Birbal said, "Your order, or anybody's order -- I understand human mind." 
Akbar said, "Let us wait; tomorrow morning it will be decided who is right." 
And the next morning both went to the garden, and the pond was full of water.

Akbar said, "This is strange. How did it happen? Catch a few people from the street, whoever is available, and ask how it happened." And the people were threatened: if they spoke any lie, their life would be at risk; if they said the truth, they would be set free.

They said, "The truth is, we thought the whole capital would bring buckets of milk. One bucket of water would be completely overlooked, nobody would ever know. But now I see that the pond is full of water; it seems that everybody had the same thought -- the whole capital! Not a single man was different."

The human mind functions exactly the same.

No revolution can be successful unless the human mind is understood by human beings and they start behaving in a different way -- not hoping that "My bucketful of water is not going to be noticed at all." If everybody understands that this idea is what will come to every human mind, and decides, "At least I should bring a bucketful of milk. I should not behave in such an unconscious way as all human beings are behaving...."
It is possible to have the pond full of milk.

"YOU ARE THE WORLD" simply means: whatever it is, we cannot save ourselves from responsibility.

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