Thursday, September 20, 2012


Concentration follows interest; it is a shadow of interest.

If you feel that concentration is missing, nothing can be done directly about concentration; something will have to be done about interest.

For example, a child sitting in the school suddenly starts listening to birds chirping outside the window and completely concentrates on listening to that. The teacher shouts, "Concentrate!" and the child cannot concentrate on the blackboard, his mind returns again and again to the birds.  They are so joyful and he is really interested in them, so his concentration is there.

The teacher says, "Concentrate!" He is concentrating-in fact the teacher is distracting him from his concentration.

But the teacher wants his concentration for something for which he has no interest; that's why he finds it difficult to concentrate.
So always remember: If you feel that you go on forgetting things, that simply means that somewhere interest is missing, or you have some other interest.

Maybe you want to earn money out of it, your interest is in the money but not in the work then you will start for getting things.
So just watch your interest. And whatever you are doing, if you are doing it with deep interest, there is no need to worry about remembrance-it simply comes.

So just start taking more interest. Remain in the moment, take more interest in whatever you are doing.

And after two or three months you will see that the memory simply follows.

Great saying
But earning decrease if we do what we like
How to manage home and society

It is very Simple.... Then Become more interested in earning. I mean enjoying any work as meditation; doing any work with deep love. If your job and you complete the work, it is creative. If you don't love your job then of course it is a chore, it is a duty to be done somehow, it is a burden. Then you would like some other time to be creative. If we really love our home and family we will go dancing to same office and earn more money for them.

But The Problem is BIGGER it is, whether the individual is merely the instrument of society or the end of society. Are you and I as individuals to be used, directed, educated, controlled, shaped to a certain pattern by society and government; or does society, the State, exist for the individual?

Is the individual the end of society; or is he merely a puppet to be taught, exploited, butchered as an instrument? That is the problem that is confronting most of us. That is the individual is a mere instrument of society, a plaything of influences to be molded; or whether society exists for the individual.

If the individual is merely an instrument of society, then society is much more important than the individual. If that is true, then we must give up individuality and work for society. But if society exists for the individual, then the function of society is not to make him conform to any pattern but to give him the feel, the urge of freedom.

The thinking up to now has been that the individual exists for the society, that the individual has to follow what the society dictates.

The individual has to fit with the society. That has become the definition of the normal human being--one who fits with the society.

Even if the society is insane, you have to fit with it; then you are normal.

Now the problem for the individual is that nature demands one thing, and society demands something contrary. If the society were demanding the same as nature demands, there would be no conflict. We would have remained in the Garden of Eden. The problem arises because society has its own interests, which are not necessarily in tune with the interests of the individual.

Society has its own investments, and the individual has to be sacrificed.

This is a very topsy-turvy world. It should be just the other way round. The individual does not exist for the society; the society exists for the individual. Because society is just an institution, it has no soul. The individual has the soul, is the conscious center.

The individual has totally different interests from the society, because the society has no soul. The society is soulless. And if you become too much a part of the society, it will reduce your soul also to a non-entity. Beware, before you have lost your whole opportunity. Don't be a slave. Follow society to the point you feel is needed, but always remain master of your own destiny.

BUT You and I have become imitative, we are copying, our education, our social structure, our so-called religious life, are all based on imitation; that is I have ceased to be a real individual; psychologically, I have become a mere repetitive machine with certain conditioned responses. Our responses are conditioned according to the pattern of society, whether it is eastern or western, religious or materialistic. 

Now there is a contradiction  need to concentrate on work what we like
But society and family require money
Money makes us to concentrate on work which we just do with out liking
As you say if we concentrate on earnings
Now it is like we asking kid to concentrate on class instead of bird sound
So now what should we do concentrate on earnings or what we like.? 

So now what should we do concentrate on earnings or what we like.?
To Be Straight, The MASTERS SAY... Do WHAT WE LIKE...

All the great masters in the world have been saying only one thing down the centuries, "Have your own mind and have your own individuality. Don't be a part of the crowd; don't be a wheel in the whole mechanism of a vast society. Be individual, on your own. Live life with your own eyes; listen to music with your own ears." But we are not doing anything with our own ears, with our own eyes, with our own minds; everything is being taught, and we are following it.

Be an individual if you want to be happy. If you want to be happy, then start choosing on your own. There are many times when you will have to be disobedient — be! There are many times when you will have to be rebellious — be! There is no disrespect implied in it. Be respectful to your parents. But remember that your deepest responsibility is towards your own being.

Everybody is dragged and manipulated, so nobody knows what his destiny is. What you really always wanted to do you have forgotten. And how can you be happy? Somebody who could have been a poet is just a moneylender. Somebody who could have been a painter is a doctor. Somebody who could have been a doctor, a beautiful doctor, is a businessman. Everybody is displaced. Everybody is doing something that he never wanted to do — hence unhappiness.

Happiness happens when you fit with your life, when you fit so harmoniously that whatsoever you are doing is your joy. Then suddenly you will come to know: meditation follows you. If you love the work that you are doing, if you love the way you are living, then you are meditative. Then nothing distracts you. When things distract you, that simply shows that you are not really interested in those things.

Live spontaneously, living moment to moment without any prefabricated discipline, living with the unknown, not exactly knowing where you are going. Because if you know already where you are going you are dead. Then life runs in a mechanical way. A life should be a flow from the known towards the unknown. One should be dying each moment to the known so the unknown can penetrate you. And only the unknown liberates.

Discipline can never be of the unknown. Discipline has to be of the mind. The mind is your past. All that you have learned, all that you have been conditioned for, all that you have experienced, all that you have thought about – this is your mind. Out of this mind comes a planning for the future. That planning for the future will be nothing but a repetition of the past. It comes out of the past; it cannot be anything else.

Maybe a little modified here and there, decorated here and there, but there will be no radical revolution in it. What we need is a radical revolution. Take freedom. Be courageous to live without any planning, to live without mind, to live without past. Of course it is dangerous, but life is dangerous. Only when you are dead, then there is no danger. Then you are safe – safe in your grave.

Safety never exists before that. If you want to be safe and secure and perfectly protected, insured against all dangers, then don’t enter into life. Enter into your grave. Then don’t breathe, because breathing is dangerous. One day breathing is going to bring death to you. Breathing is dangerous.

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