Thursday, September 20, 2012


Once you know that you are doing to die within days, immediately this world--the money, the bank, the business, this and that--becomes useless. Now everything is no more than a dream, and you are already awakening.

Once someone learns that he is going to die within a certain time period-the person is already dead in a way, and he starts thinking about the future-then meditation is possible.

Once a person knows he is going to die, he will drop much rubbish of his own accord. Immediately his whole vision is transformed. If you have to leave tomorrow, you start packing your suitcases and you are no longer worried about this room in the hotel. In fact you are no longer here; you are managing your suitcases and things, and you are thinking about the journey.

The same happens to a person when you tell him that he is going to die, that death is certain and cannot be avoided and he should not go on fooling around; now the decisive moment has come and he has already wasted enough life.

Immediately the person turns his back on the world and starts peeking into the darkness of the future. At that moment, if you tell him about meditation he will be willing
to do it--and that can be one of the greatest gifts.

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