Monday, September 17, 2012

Wrong Way of Avoiding Guilty..

If you have something in you that is very antagonistic to male energy, It has nothing much to do with your expectations, Those expectations are just to avoid, those are tricks of the mind - they are not problems. The root cause is not there; the root cause is that your energy is very male-antagonistic.

And because it is antagonistic you have to create a few tricks so that you can always avoid people around you.

Nobody is according to your idea; that's a trick, a strategy. Nobody is beautiful enough, nobody is good enough, nobody is moral enough, nobody is worthwhile, nobody is extraordinary; all are very ordinary medicore people. That is the trick of the mind so that you can avoid people around you. First you decide that this person is an ordinary, very worthless creature; then it is very simple to reject him. Then you will not feel guilty that you have rejected him. Before rejecting you labelled him - that he is worthless.

But deep down it is not just expectation. Your energy is anti-male. Something must have happened in your childhood that has made you very anti-male. You may not remember it, you may have forgotten about it, you may have repressed it. Maybe your childhood experiences was ugly. The first encounter, if it is ugly, creates great trouble. Then the energy simply becomes anti.

And it is happening more and more in the world. The world, as it becomes more free, becomes more and more ugly. And once a person has been in some way violated, in some way offended, then the energy recoils and becomes anti.

But it can change; there is no problem about changing it. If it were expectation it would be more difficult because that is a mind thing. But it is just antagonistic.

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